The Stanley Spencer Gallery holds one of the largest collection of paintings and drawings by the artist.
This has been achieved in huge measure through the unstinting generosity of our supporters, and of collectors who have, over the years, made their pictures available to us.
The Gallery owns just under one hundred works, which have been presented, bequeathed, given in memory of a departed owner, or made available for purchase by generous owners who allowed time for funding to be found.
Behind every work there is a story, almost always with a lover of Stanley Spencer’s art at its core. We are most grateful to these people, and to their families who continue to support us as members of the wider Stanley Spencer Gallery community.

Featured picture of the month
Each month, we shine a light on a different painting from our collection, explaining its context and subject matter. It’s a chance to take a closer look at Stanley Spencer’s incredible work and explore what makes it so unique.
Mr Thomas Balston, 1962
Mr & Mrs Dudley Tooth, 1962
Mr. G. G. Shiel, 1962, 1967.
Sir Frederic Hooper, 1963
Desmond Chute, 1966
Mrs G A Worsley, 1969
Mr Henry Trivick 1969, 1981
Mr J L and Mrs M Behrend, 1972
Ruth, Lady Gollancz, 1973
Mr Philip Metz, 1983
Mr John Wolf, 1984
Mr A D Trueman in 1986
Miss G Pinder-Brown, 1987
Bronwen, Viscountess Astor, 1993
Mrs M K Baggett, 1993
Mr Peter Jellinek, 1993
Barbara Karmel, 1995 (Hon Lavinia Wallop)
Mrs Olive Kennedy, 1998
Eric Williams, 2006
Tessa Sidey, 2012
Mrs Joan George, 2017
Lathonia Miller 2017
Family of Albert Seager, 2017
Josie Rostagni, 2019
Nel Vermeij, 2019
Mrs C.Thompson McCausland, 2020
Mrs J Brownson, 2021
List of works
The works listed below form the Gallery’s collection. All our exhibitions include a selection of these works, augmented by short- and long-term loans which enhance and emphasise the subject matter of the show. Any works not on show in the Gallery for a particular exhibition may be viewed by appointment.

Patricia at Cockmarsh -1935- Painting , Oil on Canvas 915mm x 660mm
Patricia at Gramaphone – Drawing, pencil, 580mm x 449mm
Pinning a Shirt to Dry on a Tent – 1949 – Drawing, pencil, 579mm x 449mm
Plumbers (Shipbuilding Series) -c 1944 – Drawing, pencil and crayon, 658mm x 507mm
Portrait of Alice Greville – 1930s , Drawing, pencil, 522mm x 405mm
Portrait of Albert Henry Seager – 1916 pencil
Portrait of Dorothy Remington (nee Wooster) – c 1930 pencil, 534mm x 422mm
Portrait of Eric Williams MC – Painting, oil on canvas, 531mm x 480mm
Portrait of Frederick Brooker – 1955 – Drawing, pencil , 430mm x 360mm
Portrait of Mr and Mrs Baggett – 1956 – Painting, oil on canvas, 802mm x 1190mm
Portrait of the Garage Proprietor Drawing, pencil , 704mm x 543mm
Portrait of Joan George – 1959 – Pencil, 510mm x 429mm
Portrait of Lathonia Mercer, Oct 1959 (drawing), 705mm x 573mm
Portrait of Marjorie Metz – 1958 – Painting, oil on canvas, 1412mm x730mm
Portrait of Dr Osmund Frank -1950 – Painting, oil on canvas, 828mm x 1200mm
Portrait of Peter Remmington – c1930 – pencil, 535mmx 422mm
Portrait of Philip Metz (Study) – 1959 – Drawing, pencil on paper, 653mm x 495mm
Portrait of Rachel Westropp 1959 – Painting, oil on canvas, 760mm x 710mm
Portrait of Ralph Chubb – 1930 – Drawing, pencil on paper, 544mm x 431mm
Portrait of Stanley outside Cliveden View painted by Richard Kennedy – c1952 – Drawing, pen on paper, 614mm x 664mm
Portrait of Mrs William Perren – 1933 – Facsimile, 537mm x 423mm
Portrait of William Perren – 1935 – Facsimile, 535mm x 424mm
Portrait of William Spencer – 1950 – Drawing, pencil on paper, 580mm x 426mm
Pullens Farm – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Raising of Jairus’s Daughter – 1944-46 Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Retrieving a Ball, 1954 (lithograph), 590mm x 711mm
Riggers (Shipbuilding on the Clyde) – c1941 – Drawing, Pencil on squared paper, 351mm x 1355mm
Rose (Flower Study) – 1959 – Drawing, Pencil and ink on paper, 436mm x538mm
Roy – c.1907 – Drawing, Pen and black ink on paper, 441mm x351mm
Sack of Potatoes (A) – c1907 – Drawing, Pen and Ink, 392mm x385mm
Saint Veronica Unmasking Christ -1921- Painting, Oil on canvas, 994mm x 840mm
Sarah Tubb and the Heavenly Visitors -1933 – Painting, Oil on canvas, 1089mm x 1190mm
Sarah Tubb and the Heavenly Visitors (Study) – 1933 – Drawing, Pencil on squared paper, 470mm x 400mm
Sandham Memorial Chapel South Wall (Study) – 1923 – Drawing, Pencil and sepia wash on paper, 595mm x 760mm
Sandham Memorial Chapel North Wall (Study) – 1923 – Drawing, Pencil and sepia wash on paper, 595mm x 760mm
Self Portrait– 1959 – Drawing, Red Conté on paper, 537mm x 367mm
Self Portrait– 1923 – Painting, Oil on canvas, 655mm x 545mm
Self Portrait– 1913 – Photolithograph, 356mm x 216mm
Shipbuilding on The Clyde : Burners– 1941 – Lithograph on Paper, 830mm x 1086mm
Spencer Family with Dog – Print, Lithograph on paper, 620mm x506mm
Stan and Mary drawing each other – Print, Lithograph on paper, 590mm x 435mm
Stanley Spencer by Desmund Chute – 1916 – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 367mm x 267mm
Street Scene – 1939 – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Study for Christ Carrying Cross – Drawing, Pencil and sepia wash on paper, 421mm x 453mm
Study for Christ Robed by Soldiers – 1922 – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 452mmx 380mm
Sunbathers at Odney – 1935 – Painting, oil on canvas, 912mm x 660mm
Swiss Boy – Drawing, Pencil on paper. 534mm x 438mm
Swiss Girl – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 545mm x 431mm
Taking in Washing – 1943-44 – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x449mm
The Angel, Cookham Churchyard (c.1936-37) – Painting, Oil on canvas, 610mm x 510mm
The Betrayal (First Version) – 1919 (1914) – Painting, oil on canvas, 536mm x 651mm
The Betrayal (Study) – 1914 – Drawing, Sepia on paper, 564mm x696mm
The Chemist – 1931 – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 570mm x 459mm
The Disciples at the Gate – 1947 – Print, Lithograph, 590mm x 432mm
The Gladiator – Drawing, Pencil on Paper 579mm x 449mm
The Last Supper – 1920 – Painting, Oil on canvas, 1126mm x 1452mm
Three Goblins – c1905 – Drawing, Black ink on paper, 455mm x 437mm
Unity Spencer: Portrait of Stanley Spencer – 1957 – Painting, Oil on canvas, 506mm x 607mm
View from Cookham Bridge – 1936 – Painting, Oil on canvas, 787mm x 1016mm
Woolshop (The) – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 578mm x 448mm
Wounded being carried by mules Macedonia -1918-1919 – Pen and wash on paper, 492mm x 390mm
Ann and Cat (1943-44) Drawing, Pencil on Paper, 579mm x 449mm
Apotheosis of Hilda (Unfinished) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 718mm x 947mm
At the Chest of Drawers (Domestic Scenes) (1936) Painting, Oil on canvas, 657mm x 810mm
Aunt Jenny’s Garden (1943-44) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Autograph album including small watercolour of ‘Travoys‘ (1919) – 127mm x 179mm
Baptism of Christ (1940) Drawing, pencil on paper, 462mm x 541mm
Bathers at Odney (1943-44) Drawing, Pencil on paper 579mm x 499mm
Beacon Hill, Near Highclere (1927) – Painting,Oil on canvas, 607mm x759mm
Beatitudes of Love: Conciousness (1938) Painting, Oil on canvas, 1067mm x 704mm
Beatitudes of Love: Contemplation Pencil on Paper, 782mm x 684mm
Caulking a Deck (1940) Drawing, Pencil and chalk on paper, 502mm x 639mm
Chestnuts (1939) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Child in High Chair (1943) Oil and Pencil on Canvas
Christ Overturning the Money Changers’ Table (1921) Painting, Oil on canvas, 997mm x 882mm
Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta (1952-59) Painting, Oil on canvas (unfinished), 2057mm x 5359mm
Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta: Listening from Punts (Study) (c.1952) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 206mm x 536mm
Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta: Girls with Swans in Punts (Study) (1953) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 740mm x 980mm
Christ Preaching at Cookham Regatta: The Elders, from Horseferry boat (Study) (c.1952) Drawing, Pencel on paper, 740mm x 980mm
Christ Preaching from a Boat (1947) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Creche (Study) (c.1940) Drawing, Pencil and water colour on paper, 381mm x 629mm
Cutting Nails by a Bed (1939-43) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Daphne and Dress Measured from Hip to Ankle (1943-44) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Disrobing of Christ (Studies) (1922) Drawing, pencil and wash on paper, 452mm x 380mm
Dress Hangers (1950) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Ecstasy in a Wesleyan Chapel (c1937) – Drawing, Pencil on paper, 265mm x 485mm
Fairy on the Waterlily Leaf (c1909) – Drawing, Pen and ink on paper, 662mm x 537mm
Fairy Goblins Emerging from High Corn (c1906) Drawing, Pen and black ink on paper, 501mm x 433mm
Family Group (1939) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Farm Gate (The) (1946) Drawing, Pencilon paper, 579mm x 449mm
Fetching Shoes (1939-43) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 448mm
Gilbert Spencer: Portrait of Dorothy Wooster Drawing, Pencil on paper, 535mm x 452mm
Girls Gathering Flowers – Print, Lithograph on paper, 590mm x 504mm
Girls returning from a Bathe – 1936 – Painting, Oil on canvas, 864mm x 610mm
Head of a Boy (1930) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 544mm x 416mm
Head of a Girl (1933) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 571mm x 451mm
Hilda Sorting Newspapers (1929-30) Drawing, Pencil and sepia wash on paper, 383mm x 305mm
Hilda with Hair Down (1931) Drawing, Pencil on Paper, 840mm x 665mm
Industry II (c1940) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 276mm x 840mm
Life Room Slade -(1943-4) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Marriage at Cana (1953) Print, Lithograph on paper, 691mm x 559mm
Me and Hilda at Downshire Hill (1943) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Me and Hilda, Pilgrims Lane (1943) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Me Drawing Elsie (1943-44) Drawing, Pencil on paper, 589mm x 435mm
Me Greeting Hilda (1943-44) Lithograph on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Me Painting (1943-44)- Drawing, Pencil on paper, 579mm x 449mm
Month of March: Dressmaking (1926) Drawing, Pen and ink on paper, 706mm x 546mm
Month of March: Spring Cleaning (1926) Drawing, Pen and ink on paper, 525mm x 728mm
Month of April: Cutting the Hedge – 1926 – Ink on paper – 760mm x 600mm
Month of June: Going on the River – 1926 – Print, lithograph – 505mm x 661mm
Month of July: Hilda Smelling a Flower – 1924 – Ink on Paper, 584mm x436mm
Month of September: Walnut Bashing (Study) – 1926 – Drawing, pen, black ink and pencil, 695mm x446mm
Month of September: The Dustbin (Study) – 1926 – Drawing, pen, black ink and pencil
Mr L & Kathleen.The Hill,Wangford – 1943-44 – Drawing pencil, 579mm x449mm
Neighbours – 1936 – Painting, oil on canvas, 950mm x 700mm
Neighbours (Study) – 1926 -Drawing, pen on paper, 525mm x 600mm
Old Couple – 1939 – Drawing, pencil, 579mm x 449mm
Old Couple Entering Heaven – 1939 – Drawing, pencil, 579mm x 449mm
Pack Mules – 1918- Pen and wash on paper, 447mm x 467mm
Patricia Shopping – Drawing, pencil, 580mm x 449mm