From time to time we plan to choose a picture from the Gallery’s collection, including ones that have rarely been on display as well as some of Spencer’s best loved paintings.

Painted during Spencer's trip to Switzerland in the '30s

SWISS GIRL (c1933-1935)

Spencer was not a frequent traveller, but in 1933 he received a telegram from the businessman, Edward Beddington-Behrens, to join him in Saas Fee.  “Come to the mountains,” the telegram said. “Nothing required except strong boots and a spirit of adventure.”  Spencer rose to the challenge, and was soon reporting to his agent, Dudley Tooth,  “I am having a magnificent time and hope to do a lot.  I have done a little climbing and am a very steady walker.  We had to ride mules to get here.  Great fun. Yours Stanley.”

The Saas Fee trip and a subsequent Behrens-financed visit to Zermatt resulted in a large figure painting and a number of landscapes, that were bought by Behrens.  Spencer also made a number of drawings of the local villagers including peasant women on their way to church in their richly embroidered native dress.  The Stanley Spencer Gallery is fortunate to have three of Spencer’s Swiss drawings, including this charming pencil drawing of a girl.